
samostatný odborný a projektový pracovník v oblasti vedy a výskumu
Ing. Lucia Milec

Publikácie za rok 2024

Publikačná činnosť obsahuje údaje z on-line databázy Ústrednej Knižnice SAV.
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  • DIEMAR, Michael G. - VINKEN, Mathieu - TEUNIS, Marc - KRUL, Cyrille A.M. - BUSQUET, Francois - KANĎÁROVÁ, Helena - MILEC, Lucia. Report of the First ONTOX Stakeholder Network Meeting: Digging Under the Surface of ONTOX Together With the Stakeholders. In Alternatives to Laboratory Animals (ATLA) : Fund for the Replacement of Animals in Medical Experiments, 2024, vol. 52, iss. 2, pp. 117-131. ISSN 0261-1929. Dostupné na: (H2020-ONTOX: ASPIS project claster : Ontology-driven and artificial intelligence-based repeated dose toxicity testing of chemicals for next generation risk assessment) Typ: ADCA