At the beginning of the 1950s, it was established at the initiative of Dr. Selecký from the Chemical Institute of SAS, an initiative of Slovak researchers to establish an institution that would produce healthy and genetically defined laboratory animals. The first breeding station in Slovakia was built in Dobra Voda (Trnava district), as part of the Research Institute of Pharmacy and Biochemistry. The first strains of laboratory animals were imported from Germany, Denmark and Switzerland. Later, the department became part of the Institute of Experimental Pharmacology of the Academy of Sciences. During this period, specialized laboratories were built to check the health status of bred animals. Pavilion no. II was reconstructed in accordance with the requirements of the Principles of Good Laboratory Practice. Breeding of SPF rats and isolation breeding of gnotobiotic rats was started. After 1990, the activities of the breeding facility were subdued, for economic reasons. The workplace was transformed into the Laboratory of Toxicology and later the Department of Toxicology and Laboratory Animal Breeding. The activities were divided into two directions, namely the breeding of laboratory animals and the testing of risk factors of chemical substances in vivo. Later, collaborations with the private sector in the field of applied research also began.

Department of Toxicology and Laboratory Animal Breeding has a certificate for breeding and experimental use of laboratory animals issued by State Veterinary and Food Administration of Slovak Republic. The animals are produced for research and development, available for the customers from research institutes, academy and industry. Department produces laboratory rodents – rats (WISTAR, SHR, LEWIS, hHTG, ZDF) and mice (ICR, BALB/c). Department also produces diets for laboratory rodents. Department has cooperations with many Slovak universities, Slovak Academy of Science and private sector companies in Slovakia and Czech Republic. At our workplace, we mainly carry out basic and applied research, commercial orders, VEGA and Eurofonds and APVV projects as cooperation with our colleagues from other departments in Bratislava. Department has also GLP certificate for toxicology studies. In our department carries out commercial orders of private sector such as production of monoclonal antigens, models of osteoporosis, osteoarthritis and arthritis, model of postoperative adhesion, excisional wounds and diabetes mellitus type 2, model of metabolic syndrome, GLP studies (OECD methods) – eye irritation, teratology, etc.
Cooperation with companies Contipro, CZ (model of osteoarthritis and model of postoperative adhesion), Biomin, SR (model of osteoporosis), BioVendor, CZ a DB Biotech, SR (production of monoclonal antigens), Unimed Pharma, SR (eye irritation – OECD), cooperation with ČVUT, Prague (model of osteoarthritis, excisional wounds and model of diabetes mellitus type 2), with university SPU Nitra (model of diabetes mellitus type 2), ÚEFT CEM SAV (model of ischemic wounds), etc…
Department of toxicology and laboratory animals breeding, Dobra Voda
SAS Center for Experimental Medicine
Institute of Experimental Pharmacology and Toxicology
Dobra Voda 360
919 54 Dobra Voda
Information about laboratory animals and animal diets
Ing. Ivan Pádej
+421 917570993
+421 033/5547165
Information testing and research
Ing. Karol Švík, CSs.
+421 917570993
+421 033/5547165